Gordanhobbies is located in Penang, MALAYSIA.    We specialize in giant  scale  gasoline  radio control engines, parts and accessories.    We are factory authorized and direct distributors representing the best in imported engines and planes  ,   parts and accessories Offering GP engine , DLE engine , DA-engines and well know Pilot-rc planes.


Bj-Craft  is in our list too , if you are looking at the finest build quality and top performance Pattern-Plane.
SebArt   a well know Italian name , offer the finest design and build quality of their  planes .
We always share our knowledge and give full support to any problems or question appear .
From sport flying planes to F3A pattern planes and  giant scale planes from
20cc - 150cc ....  we can offer suggestion and setup for you.
Any question or inquiry please feel free to contact us .
Mr. WONG  (Golden)
Email    : gordanhobbies@gmail.com
Mobile  : +6012-4122632
Office   : +604-3323306
Fax       : +604-3323306
Address : 2,Tingkat 1,
               Jalan Perusahaan Ringan 1,
               Bagan Lallang,
               13400 , Butterworth ,
               Penang ,
                  MALAYSIA  .
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